Vince Low

For Vince Low’s official website, click here.

Vince Joy is a successful artist from Malaysia. After receiving a degree in Illustration, Low worked in the advertising business after progressing from being a designer. He has worked on campaigns for; Nissan, Ribenna and Tiger, only to name a few.joker vince low

In his adulthood, Low found that he was dyslexic ( by a video shown by his creative director ) after experiencing a troublesome school life and not knowing why he struggled with class and homework. He took his disability as an advantage and used his skill at advertisement, to educated children and parents of Dyslexia and that this shouldn’t hold them back and that they are special.

I have seen Vince Low’s work briefly in the past and have really liked it, however, once I had researched into him and the stories behind the art work, I have gained a huge respect and admiration for Vince Low.Joker

In addition, I believe that Vince Low is a good example of an artist that I can reflect on because he has the connection with advertisement, allowing me to evaluate and to be inspired by his pieces and this will contribute to my ideas with my task of producing a poster, advertising The NSS (The Nation Student Survey).

Vince Low’s work is complete by using scribbles which are build up in layers to created his subject. he is well known to do portraits of A-List celebrities, however he has drawn other subjects such as animals, music legends and icon poses/scenes from movies. vince low three headsHe uses a white background with a black fine pen to create the scribble marks, his style is very simplistic yet powerful. However he is known to use a black background and a white pen for the scribble. As a personal preference I think the white on black has more of an impact in comparison to the black on white. I think this is because of the huge contrast of the white on the black; it’s more vibrant.

I will be uploading personal copies of Vince Low’s work in the near future. The purpose of this is so I can practice his style of work.